Motorcycle Driving Tips Safe As Rain

Here are some tips that can be done to maintain the safety before the vehicle on a highway spur that given Polda Metro Jaya:

1. Check all vehicle lights are all to function properly. The goal is that if you are in the dark when it rains, these lights will help Anda.

2. Do not forget to always check the brake system of vehicles and do not use tires that have been tipis.

3. Do not forget to bring a rain coat, so when it rains you just stop your vehicle quickly and directly with the rain jacket so you do not get soaked while until tujuan.

4. If you are stuck in the flood area, make sure the water level is still below the airway opening and the ignition system. You do not need to turn off the engine while the exhaust is submerged. Exhaust gas pressure will block the water entering the exhaust. But if until the engine dies, the channel had no pressure so waste water directly breaking into knalpot.

5. Do not indiscriminate way through flooded streets. Because we do not know how deep puddles in the streets.

6. If you are driving on wet roads when it rains or after the rain, reduce the speed of your vehicle because the streets are wet there is the possibility of layers of triangle formed between tire and road surface. This will cause the vehicle to lose traction and braking ability of so-called Aquaplanning.7 symptoms. After passing through the flood, check the grease on the axle and attached to clean the dirt ground and do not forget to wash your bike regularly.
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